
As of version 1.2, a new function spanlist is provided. It returns a list from the same kind of specification string intspan does, but ordered as given rather than fully sorted. A corresponding intspanlist class subclasses list in the same way that intspan subclasses set.

>>> intspanlist('4,1-5,5')  # note order preserved

>>> list(intspanlist('4,1-5,5'))
[4, 1, 2, 3, 5]

>>> spanlist('4,1-5,5')
[4, 1, 2, 3, 5]

So spanlist the function creates a list, whereas intspanlist creates a similar object–but one that has a more sophisticated representation and more specific update methods. Both of them have somewhat set-like behavior, in that they seek to not have excess duplication of members.

The intended use for this strictly-ordered version of intspan is to specify an ordering of elements. For example, a program might have 20 items, 1-20. If you wanted to process item 7, then item 3, then “all the rest,” intspanlist('7,3,1-20') would be a convenient way to specify this. You could loop over that object in the desired order.(See below for a different formulation, intspanlist('7,3,*'), in which the * is a symbolic “all the rest” marker, and the universe set can be specified either immediately or later.)

Note that intspanlist objects do not necessarily display as they are entered:

>>> intspanlist('7,3,1-20')

This is an equivalent representation–though lower-level, more explicit, and more verbose.

Many other list methods are available to intspanlist, especially including iteration. Note however that while intspan attempts to faithfully implement the complete methods of a Python set , intspanlist is a thinner shim over list. It works well as an immutable type, but modifications such as pop, insert, and slicing are more problematic. append and extend work to maintain a “set-ish,” no-repeats nature–by discarding any additions that are already in the container. Whatever was seen first is considered to be in its “right” position. insert and other list update methods, however, provide no such promises.

Indeed, it’s not entirely clear what update behavior should be, given the use case. If a duplicate is appended or inserted somewhere, should an exception be raised? Should the code silently refuse to add items already seen? Or something else? Maybe even duplicates should be allowed? Silent denial is the current default, which is compatible with set behavior and intspan; whether that’s the “right” or best choice for a fully ordered variant is unclear. (If you have thoughts on this or relevant use cases to discuss, open an issue on Bitbucket or ping the author.)

Symbolic Rest

As a final trick, intspanlist instances can contain a special value, rendered as an asterisk (*), meaning “the rest of the list.” Under the covers, this is converted into the singleton object TheRest.

>>> intspanlist('1-4,*,8')

This symbolic “everything else” can be a convenience, but eventually it must be “resolved.”

intspanlist objects may be created with an optional second parameter which provides “the universe of all items” against which “the rest” may be evaluated. For example:

>>> intspanlist('1-4,*,8', '1-9')

Whatever items are “left over” from the universe set are included wherever the asterisk appears. Like the rest of intspan and intspanlist constructors, duplicates are inherently removed.

If the universe is not given immediately, you may later update the intspanlist with it:

>>> i = intspanlist('1-4,*,8')
>>> i.therest_update('1-9')

If you don’t wish to modify the original list (leaving its abstract marker in place), a copy may be created by setting the inplace=False kwarg.

The abstract “and the rest” markers are intended to make intspanlist more convenient for specifying complex partial orderings.